Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hoot! Hoot!

I saw this idea on a blog sometime last year. I loved it. It had taken me over a year to finally do it. I love how it turned out.  I made the hat and scarf out of an old maturnity sweater. Added some felt eyes and a beak. Super easy and fun to do.
(If this was your idea, please let me know so I can link it back to you! I want to give credit where credit is due.)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Long distance crafting.

Okay. Here goes.

I started a blog.

I have been putting it off because I didn't know where to start.

So I am starting with one of the things I love most. Crafting.

My best crafting buddy (aka, my SIL)  moved to far far away. Well, the next state over anyway. So, we decided to do a little long distance crafting. We decide on a project and give ourselves a certain amount of time to finish. Our first project was hair clips for our girls. We both have two girls. ( She has one little dude too). We decided to make two styles each. We made enough of each clip for her girls and mine. So each girl ended up with four new ( and awesome, if I do say so myself) clips. I made the top two, she made the bottom two.

Cute, huh?

I couldn't leave out the "little dude" I mentioned above. So I stitched a little paper airplane on a time my MIL found at a yard sale. I got the idea from Elsie's small craft class. She even teaches you to make real ties (not clip-ons) for you little dude. She is awsome.

These were super easy to make.
I will be glad to share the details, if anyone is interested. Just leave me a comment.

If there is anyone reading this.


Anyone out there?
